Documentation / Convert

Retrieve a task status of each conversion task

Returning an information about the AVIF conversion operation requested by the user.


curl -x GET{id}
     -H "Authorization: <api_key>"
     -H "Accept: application/json"

List of request parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescription
idstringconversion id


  "id": "835f24b0-90be-11ed-b598-cbb34621d6d4",
  "filename": "test1.jpg",
  "step": "finish"

List of response parameters

Response fieldTypeDescription
idstringconversion id
filenamestringThe filename of original image
stepwait, finish, convert, uploadIndicates the conversion progress.
wait, finish, convert, upload

Response error

Error nameStatusDescription
Not found404This error occurs when there is no conversion corresponding to the requested conversion id.
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